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Gawdäämn rubbertreehugger

Friday, July 16, 2004


hm ja några st iaf.........


Outstanding Lead Actor In A Miniseries Or A Movie

And Starring Pancho Villa As Himself • HBO - Antonio Banderas as Pancho Villa
Angels In America • HBO • Al Pacino as Roy Cohn
The Reagans • Showtime • James Brolin as Ronald Reagan
Something The Lord Made • HBO • Alan Rickman as Alfred Blalock [*****JA, JA, JA, JA, JA, JA, JA, JA, JA, JA, JA!!! yoze’ anm.*****]
Something The Lord Made • HBO • Mos Def as Vivien Thomas


GO GET ’EM, ALAN!!!!!! *huggy huggy huggy*
int för att han behöver bevisa något :D

man kan ju heja på mos def oxå, + att jag har sett ’angels in america’:
um, jag har int sett ’something...’ men jag ska :p

yoze har skaffat dvd-recorder... sweeeeeeeet :D snart har jag hela ’once a thief’ på dvd, that ole dream.......... hmm & lite andra grejer oxå!! hehe... *grillar gamla vhs i stenugn med damm som bränsle*
måste såklart göra alla nybörjarfel. kasserar en kunglig mängd skivor i processen.

”We have a fascinating case, involving a group of transsexual seal tamers that the agency has reason to believe are plotting to blow up Greenland. Mac, the seal tamers will be flying in from Guam, you’ll be the chauffeur. Vic and Li Ann will pose as the king and queen of Greenland. Li Ann will be king. Vic will be the queen. You’ll be flying to Sweden after the meeting, to undergo your sex change operations. And Mac, you’ll be flying to Scotland to be surgically altered into a seal, afterwhich you’ll be trained to balance a ball on your nose and clap your flippers. I do hope you like fish, Mac.”
-The Director, Once a thief, ’That old gang of mine’ :9



Hos Fältskären.

trampade på en rostig spik igår. tvål, vodka, trasa, vodka igen, nål, rost-fragment, plåster, mer vodka. *sågar ut 5 m3 kött-tärning* hoppas stelkrampsvaccinationen räcker 9-10 år. +P
*glödgar eldgaffel, braveheart-style*


uhu... nu kan man bara publicera db:n på stora db-arenan 1 gg/dag... host, undrar vem som är skyldig... <:B men blasted, nu kan man ju knappt göra reklam för grejer... :p (klotterplanket & lajv shall now be spammed.)

tur man har dragit på sig STAMMISAR :p


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