My ole untelligent Swedish phantom blog from

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Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Gawdäämn rubbertreehugger

Thursday, April 29, 2004


min kamera är död....... den blir väl resurrected lagom tills alla magnoliahelveten är utblommade, kan jag tro...... mina 2 gamla hotmailaccounter med en massa gamla nostalgimail är döda FÖR EVIGT........ :*C SNYYYYYYYFT, nu är jag fri & dyster
hmmmmm nu har jag just glott på ”i huvudet på john malkovich”. den var la sjuk & bra :q
spelade in den för flera månader sen men hoooost vissa kommer sig fan inte för att glo på filmerna de egentligen vill se :P

Sunday, April 25, 2004


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha

jag var 50 mil hög en vecka i sträck, som om jag fått en hel bunch stora koffeininjektioner :D i’d like to thank alan rickman, april, en site man bara drömt om, en bra idé. man får la va glad så länge man kan bli hög på sina egna inre demoner, då måste man hålla sig lite igång & jaga rusen själv :p
lr så är jag bara ovan vid att vara mer än 1 mm över glad-strecksfan, & tolkar alla positiva känslor som ett knarkrus :9 heheheheheheheheheheheheheeeeeee, som när man byter till ett par lätta dojor & de känns jäääävligt lätta
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big plaaaans, mann. jag ska ut & resa i 4 sekunder XD
det kommer med 97 % säkerhet att gå RÄTT ÅT HELVETE och jag kommer med 98 % säkerhet att återvända BESVIKEN ALLRA MINST men det kan inte bli värre än för en svenne som åker till yukon med gulddrömmar 1890 & blir uppkäkad av vargar (långsamt)....... ca

Saturday, April 24, 2004


taget från :9

hmmm... innehåller förmodligen


för div harry potter-böcker, så.............. :p

+ = stämmer in på majj :D

anyway, du är besatt av snape om:
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*You purposely don’t wash your hair so it can look greasy

+*You practice sneering in the mirror

*You ignore the fact that Snape can write poetry (At the end of book 1, the riddle)

+*Anyone who dare points out that he’s just a book character gets a 3 hour speech (minimum) about the times he’s come to you at night.

*You try to get into a fight with the school bully just to get a hooked (and bent) nose

*You don’t go into the sunlight so your skin can turn pale

+*You wear black, even on the hottest of days

+*16 people that commented bad things about Snape has vanished in your basement.

+*You have over 1000 Harry Potter image files... and around 95% of them have Snape in them in one way or another.

+*You dream of Snape... consecutively *Snape is the only man in your life

+*Your teachers can easily recognize your ’daydreaming about Snape’ look in class

+*You cheer and howl when ever he’s mentioned in the book

*You’ve named all his sneers and people tell you, ”That’s lame!” you hit them with sneer number 31

+*You talk about just his soft, silky hair for at least... 5 hours.

*You actually believe his hair is silky and not greasy

+*You get pissed at your Art teacher for saying ’black’

*Your parents are giving you the ’Birds and the Bees’ talk you tell them not to worry because you are saving yourself for Snape; and they eye you suspiciously.

+*You sit on the couch when your parents are out, take your life sized poster of Severus, and try to make out with it.

+*You actually drool when you see Alan Rickman as Snape.

+*You chase every black dog you see because they remind you of Sirius.

*You’ve started a new religion called ’Snape-ism’

+*You blow up the Science lab trying to make a love potion

*You draw a Dark Mark on your forearm and snarl whenever someone asks you what it is.

+*You insist on referring to Chemistry as ’Potions.’

*You name your son Severus JR.

+*You write yourself into a fanfiction, as his love interest.

+*You can’t stop talking about him

+*You make certain comparisons with certain teachers in your school

+*You are on the internet night and day looking for anything Snape related

+*You’ve highlighted every passage mentioning Snape in your (very well read) copies of the books.

*You ask your boyfriend to grow out his hair and die it black. You keep telling him he would look even sexier if he changed his entire wardrobe to all black.

+*You think Snape can fall in love

+*You don’t realize how ugly he is

*You tell your husband, ”You’re sexy dear, but not as sexy as Snape. I’ll always love you, but unfortunately I love Serveus more.”

+*You begin to enjoy treating people cruelly, even quoting Snape, and believe that, like Snape, you have your reasons...

+*You get jealous when you hear rumors that Snape might have a love interest in later books. (YES THIS IS ME!!!)

*You build a web page exclusively about him

+*You kiss the poster of Snape before you go to sleep

*You call your pet ’Severus’

*You own the exact same wig Rickman wore when he played Snape

+*You twitch involuntarily whenever you hear the name ’Snape’

+*You watch Titanic, you imagine yourself as Rose and Snape as Jack

*You dump your boyfriend as he made a small, but bad, remark about Snape

+*You call your bedroom ’My Private Chambers’

*You beg to sleep in the basement, ’cos it’s so much like the dungeons.

+*You go into bookstores and media stores and look at every single thing to do with Harry Potter trying to see a picture of Snape, or even just read his name.

+*You look up everythin to do with Snape or Rickman.

+*You drool whenever you see or hear anything to do with Snape or Rickman.

*You rent every movie with Rickman in it so you can stare at him and pretend he’s Snape.

+*You fast foward your ’Harry Potter video/DVD to the scenes with Snape... (OMG, I do this all the time)

+*You steal every Hermione/Snape fic and change Hermione’s name with yours. (OMG I definitely do this all the time *blush*)

*You’ve punched someone at least once for making fun of Snape.

+*You start carrying a photo of Alan as Snape in your purse so that he can be with you wherever you are... (I do this too *shame*)

+*You hate everyone who looks like Harry Potter or his friend

+*You search all through the movie store trying to find every movie Alan Rickman has been in.

+*Looking through a ”you know your obsessed...” site, you realize you’ve done most of the things listed...

*You work in a highly respectable office, and you have a framed picture of Rickman as Snape on your desk right next to the one of your husband... and people you work with have stopped asking ”who the heck is that guy?”, because they got scared of your answer...

+*You’ve written poems and other stuff to and about Prof. Snape

+*You’ve got songs dedicated to Prof.Snape

*You belong to at least 10-15 or more snape groups

*You make a sign for your bedroom door saying, ”Slytherin Girls’ Dorm, Purebloods Only, Knock First Unless You are Professor Snape, Who Is Welcome Anytime”

+*Your list of necessities in a future husband include ’hooked nose’ and ’black hair’

+*You sit by yourself and are sarcastic to everyone who comes your way, hoping that people will learn to appreciate the fact that you’re only like that because you have no friends, you’re lonely, you’re misunderstood, there’s more to you than people realize...

+*You start talking about him to your family and friends like he’s a real person, and they know him almost as well as you do by now

+*You have ever written a fanfic about him

*You re-read the books so much that you have devised your own list of theories about him, and can explain in detail why each one is valid, citing direct quotes from the books.

+*You wake up early, read about Snape, eat breakfast rather reluctantly, go back to reading about Snape until about three o’clock in the afternoon, get off the internet, take a bath, eat lunch, go back to reading about Snape until about eight, eat dinner, go back to reading about Snape, go to bed at two in the morning at the earliest, reluctantly, wake up...

+*You attack people who look like Snape.

+*You dress up like a girl scout and stalk Alan Rickman day and night.

*You slap the person that accidently calls Severus, ”Snaps”

+*You watch the movie and pause it when snape is on the screen.

+*You dye your hair black and grow it just shorter than shoulder-length. Heh heh heh...

+*Your friends keep telling you to shut up whenever you say the words black, greasy, hair or sallow-skin because they know it will eventually lead to some discussion about him. .

+*If Snape dies for months you’ll go into mourning

+*You flirt with your teacher who has a hooked nose and has a sarcastic attitude.

+*You read a Fanfiction that revolves around Severus hooking up with Fleur and have nightmares for weeks. (hell YES!)

+*You learn to raise you left brow and annoy everybody by keeping doing it despite absence of any reason that could call for it.

+*You think Harry could be removed from the Harry Potter books and the stories wouldn’t lose anything.

*Your boyfriend is actually jealous because you can’t stop talking about how hot Snape is. (Guilty!)

*You bought the action figure and carry it around with you and talk to it. (Hehe!)

+*You have a pillow and you named it Severus and you make out with it as if it were him!

+*Being called a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff is the worst possible insult anyone could ever give you.

*Alan Rickman has a restraning order against you.

+*Before buying anything - particularly clothing or furnishings - you ask yourself, ”Would Severus like it?”. If the answer is no, you frequently put it back.

+*You attempt to turn in a slash fanfiction you wrote (starring everyone’s favorite Potions Master) for your creative writing project for English... And you now have detention.

+*You have various files about Snape with names such as ’Snape Slash Fics’, ’Pictures of Snape scowling’, ’Pictures of Snape looking at Harry like he’s NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE’ (This file is probably the biggest pic file I have...) and finally, ’People who dislike Snape’ (aka people who MUST be terminated)

*You’ve always been a Goth at heart, but as soon Snape came into the picture, it became a lifestyle.

+*When you finally came to the realization that Snape doesn’t exist you decided to become a Rickmaniac since he’s the next best thing

*You learned to sing that song Kate Winslet sang in ’Sense and Sensibility’ that made Brandon fall in love with her.

*Without knowing about your terrible obsession with Severus, your friends actually call you Ms. Snape

*You have so much Snape paraphenalia in and on your car, your family and friends refer to it as the Snape Mobile.

*You violently curse the official Harry Potter website when the sorting hat dares sort you into a house other than Slytherin.

*You actually attempt to get a radio station to dedicate a song to ”Severus Snape”

+*You call your Chemistry teacher Professor

*You call his name into the fire, hoping his head will appear...

+*You cry when someone suggests that Snape could die in future books

+*You were voted ”most sarcastic” in your senior yearbook

+*You put all your bright colored clothing in the bottom of your drawers/back of your closet, so that if Snape ever comes in your room he won’t make fun of your wardrobe.

+*You daydream about joining an evil cult so that you can betray them to Dumbledore and turn a spy, thereby creating a connection to ’Severus’ so that he will have no choice but to fall in love with you while you are staying at Hogwarts for protection ...”Oh, Severus, you are the only one who understands what I am going through, let’s go have sex!”

+*To get you in the mood now, you make your husband or boyfriend say: (in his most silkiest voice possible) ”Miss [enter last name here], meet me in my private chambers now or I’ll deduct 50 points from [enter house of your choice here], and you’ll have detention for a week!” Oh and he has to sneer!

*You have taped a picture of Alan Rickman as Snape on the wall of your shower and your family now complains of you singing the same thing over and over in there: ”Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad, I’m hot for teacher!”

+*Your final dying request is for your ashes to be sent to Alan Rickman with instructions for him to place the urn in his bedroom, facing his bed!

+*You consider becoming an actress in time for the 7th movie (ehheheheh).

+*While you’re watching Snape on TV, you suddenly go up to it and kiss the screen where Snape’s face is, trying to see how many kisses you can get in before the image fades and new scene comes on.

+*You scream out his name during sex.

+*You secretly search the telephone book for a Severus Snape

+*Snape is the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing at night.

*You’ve actually researched Snapes birthday astrology, he’s a scorpio and was born in the Year of the Fire Dog. (WHOO HOO! WE’RE COMPATABLE!)

+*You fix all the answers on a website so that you can be in Slytherin


I <3 Snape

Thursday, April 15, 2004



”Det är ovanligt att honor etablerar parband med flera hanar samtidigt. Sådana polyandriska parningssystem saknas helt bland däggdjur.”

me arse they do XD

ok det kanske inte gynnar nån... eller...


UPDATE: HAHA!!! 6 läsare på 2 sekunder :D


UPDATE IGEEEN: ååååkej... tror man ska börja använda denna rubrik varje dag ungefär........

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


öh.... drar dit imöen... :9 hoppas d blir kul :O (FLYGAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! svälj...) spamma mig inte med grejer-att-göra-i-paris-tips :0~~
& thank god att det inte är fort lauderdale jag och min gips-arm ska till :*)
ahaa... jag ska kolla på förnuft & känsla en sista gång tror jag. då kommer mitt fula liv att vara iaf lite närmare fullbordan om planet störtar, see. fän vad ofta jag glor på den filmen :6 förr i tiden hade jag ett nice antiromantiskt pansar men sen kom col. brandon/jane austen/ang lee & choppade det i 40 milj smulor. beware of the movie.
för att illustrera.....problemet:


mina päron:
morsan: ”haha, yoze kollar på en kärleksfilm.”
farsan: ”tänk på det yoze, om du levt på den tiden hade det varit du som gått omkring i en sån där skum hatt.”
morsan: ”... och tvingats gifta dig med fula 49-åringar.”

random ungjävel:
”hajj yoze, vilka filmer gillar du?”
”pja, terminator 2 kanske”
”& förnuft & känsla!”

rickman! thompson! winslet! mr palmer! mrs jennings! hästar! england! våren! humor! sirapsslut! tyg! lyx! kärlek! gräs!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004


men ljudet funkar iaf o det är ju d viktigaste för en rickmaniac ibland, gwahaha

yah..... ni ville desperat veta detta, i’m sure......

Monday, April 05, 2004


jävla uni-ansökningskrångel-bastards.................... :O

bättre: jag har tix till anastacias gbg-konsert! quite phett! :p

OCH EN LITEN FUL BOOTLEG AV LOVE ACTUALLY!!!!!! :D mumsfilm :9 julkola i tänderna :q
de borde kanske låtit bli att släppa dvd:n så jla sent i loser-sverige.......

my my, ska käka nu......bara käkat frukost o lunch idag tror jag :/

Sunday, April 04, 2004


hmmmmmm... eftersom du uppenbarligen älskar alan rickman, skriv på här innan du läser db:n
ehehehe........feck! mitt fattiga bidrag till den anrika martyrtävlingen ”mest bisarra bråk med min mamma om varför jag får gilla alan rickman fast jag är ca 12 år” på imdb kan avnjutas lite längre ner.
alla rickmaniacs borde stryka omkring med en dold mic på sig, eyyy!
(första delen min personliga, öh, följetång står att läsa i dagboken 11 dec 03 lr någe.......)
breakin her in........
vissa delar är censurerade!!!!!!!! :O
men here we gå.)
I’m watching Die hard... The scene early on when Hans is standing in front of the crowd of hostages (& that’s so cute). Mom walks by, stops, distracted by movie.
Just try and picture me giggling like a true maniac throughout the whole thing, aight. :)
M: Whatcha watching?
Y: Die hard.
M: Heeey... isn’t that HIM?! The one you’re in love with?
M: That OLD guy!
M: He’s got nothing!
M: Oh, he’s UGLY!
Y: Hellooo? He’s sooo good!
M: Nothing... What the heck is it you like about HIM?
Y: Hehehe... The voice...? No, seriously, he can do EVERYTHING!
M: ...ugly... Well, maybe he’s a good actor, who knows.
Y: Damn right!
M: What’s his name?
Y: *cackle*
M: You’re in love with him and you don’t know his name?!
Y: Whatte hell do you think?
M: What IS his name?
Y: Don’t you remember?
M: What’s his name.
Y: Alan Rickman...
M: Allen Rickman?
Y: Alan.
M: Alan. Where’s he from?
M: Maybe we should go there then, eh?
Y: *squeak*
M: How old was he again?
Y: Er...
M: Well?
Y: ... ... *mumbles* 5X...
M: Closer to MY age. Maybe he’s something for ME.
Y: *thinking* Can’t break her heart by mentioning 30-yr relationship...
M: How about I marry him?
Y: Hehee... Well, SO WHAT??? I know a whole BUNCH of 13-YEAR-OLD fans!
M: Mmhm.
Dad enters, starts watching movie.
M: Hi hon.
Y: Quiet!
M: Don’t worry.
Y: I just meant, shut up so I can watch the movie.
D: I know that guy. He’s the terrorist boss!
Y: Excellent... SQUEAL.
M: Yoze is in LOVE with that old guy! He’s like 60!
D: Yawn. Cool movie.
M: Awwwwwwwwwwww, Yoze is in LOOOOOOOOOOVE. Nick [Lea] is out of the picture now.
M: Nick only stars in sh*t movies, at least this guy seems to be in fairly normal films.
Y: I don’t know about that... Wait a sec, Nick is doing a movie with some huge names right now!
M: Nick is bad. He’s just pretty.
Y: [censored]
M: And now, every time you walk into her room, this guy is ALL over her screensaver!
Y: *Did she really study the screensaver THAT closely and how the hell did she recognise Alan from photo to photo anyway?* MOM!!! My computer crashed, I didn’t have the energy to dig up any other pics to use!

No, there’s no point here......... I just had a good/embarrassing time :) :p

kul va. :

Friday, April 02, 2004


delat på 7.

vid midnatt ska jag gå på releasen av harry potter 5 :D boken har jag sen några 1000 år. ska inte slösa tid, cash o engelskaträning på att läsa svenneversionen oxå.


host. anyway, hoppas det är en massa galna ungar där o sliter i böckerna :B jag vill bara se ett sånt där berömt harry-releaseparty, man.........


”ehhhhhh, jo, jag är visst utklädd till en hp-figur. snape. kolla bara mitt fettiga hår. hit me awardet.”

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jag fick höra ett aprilskämt om att svenska premiärdatumet för prisoner of azkaban hade flyttats FRÅN 9 JUNI TILLBAKA TILL AUGUSTI....... SLUTET AV AUGUSTI!!!!!!!!!!!
d var jättehemskt :P